Thursday, January 20, 2011

Similarities between Greg Heffley and Pony-Boy Curtis

By:Aaron Vukelic

Pony-Boy and Greg Heffley are two very different people. Pony-Boy comes from a place where poverty and crime are common in daily life. Greg Heffley comes from an ideal family with caring parents who love him dearly. Even though they are two different people they do share some similarities. One of their similarities is that they are both “Dreamers”. Greg Heffley wants to be the most popular kid in his school and Pony-Boy really wants to have an ideal family.

Pony-Boy and Greg are very similar in the way that they both get bullied. Pony-Boy is bullied by the “Socs”. The “Socs” are always looking for “Greasers” to jump. Pony-Boy is jumped a couple of times throughout the book . The “Socs” are bullies for Pony-Boy because they are a gang that rides around in Mustang’s and “Tuff” cars and find the “Greasers”. Usually by themselves” and usually the “Greasers” loses because they are heavily outnumbered. Greg Heffley is bullied by his older brother Rodrick who is a teenager who picks on Greg because he is his sibling. I think Rodrick picks on Greg because he failed mostly throughout Middle-School and is not very smart and he doesn't want Greg to exceed him in life. Greg is also bullied at school by a girl named Patty ,she bullies Greg because he made fun of her in kindergarten and she never let that go. She is scorning him and trying to make his life as bad as possible during his years of Middle-School. Greg is also bullied by a couple of older guys because he provoked them by saying he would call the police on them. Greg also ruined the paint job on their truck with a weed-whacker by accident.

Pony-Boy and Greg Heffley are both just trying to fit in. Pony-Boy acts like a “Greaser” to fit in with his brothers he slicks his long greasy hair back. Greg Heffley is trying to fit in at school but it does not work out. He becomes one of the least popular kids in school because of his actions. Greg is a bad friend to his friend Rowley and his actions cost him in Middle-School. Both Pony-Boy and Greg try to fit in but things do not work out. Pony-Boy gets jumped and ends up getting beat up a lot. Greg does not become the most popular kid, in fact he become one of the least, but in the end he realizes what a good friend is and Greg and Rowley become the greatest of friends again.

I’ve noticed that neither Pony-Boy or Greg Heffley use their heads, they both do not think before they act. Pony-Boy cannot think straight in tight situations and Greg does not think before he acts. Pony-Boy can’t think straight when he is being mugged by the “Socs” or when he is trying to get away. Greg does not think when he decides to throw a football at Rowley while he is riding a tricycle or ignoring Rowly and hanging out with a boy named Freggly. Greg doesn’t realize what he is doing to Rowley is hurting him. Neither Greg or Pony-Boy think before they act and they both end up paying for it in the end.

Even though Greg Heffley comes from a friendly town and Pony-Boy comes from a more dangerous part of the city they are very similar in the way that they are both bullied from where they are from. They both try hard to fit in, Pony-Boy with his buddies and Greg with his schoolmates. The boys really want a better life for themselves and seem to go about it the wrong way. They both seem very insecure about the things that are going in their lives.

OutSider's Actors

Soda Pop Curtis

Soda Pop Curtis is the oldest of the three brothers out of the group. He has been best friends with Steve Randle since Grade school. He is a “Greaser”, He is tall, roughly six foot two has dark gold hair and dark brown eyes. He tries to stay out of trouble, has never cracked a book, meaning he doesn’t read any books. Both his parents are dead, Soda Pop Curtis stands up for Pony-Boy when he is being yelled at or bullied by the other “Greasers” (“Leave my kid brother alone you hear?”). I Think Jude Law should play the role of Soda Pop Curtis because he is a very good actor and they look a lot alike with their “movie star good looks” and blonde hair.

Johnny Cade

Johnny Cade is the “Greasers” pet and is everyones “Kid Brother”. The “Greasers” made Johnny their pet because they felt bad because his father would beat him and his mother would ignore him. Johnny has been jumped by the “Socs” ever since ,Johnny carries a blade with him. Johnny reminds Pony-Boy of a puppy that's been kicked too many times and is lost in a crowd of strangers. I picked Xavier Samuel because he fits Johnny Cade’s description in the book “The Outsiders”

Dally Winston

Dally Winston is the trouble maker in the “Greasers” and was arrested at the age of 10. Dally likes to blow off his anger by getting in gang fights. Dally is truly the most dangerous member in the “Greasers”. The police have a large file on Dally because he has been put in the “Cooler” to many times. I chose Nicolas Cage as Dally Winston because to me he is a trouble maker and he fits Dally Winston’s description.

Two-Bit Matthews

Two-Bit Matthew’s real name is Kieth but nobody remembers it because everyone calls him Two-Bit. Two-Bit is the oldest of the gang he got his name because he always had to get his last two-Bits in. Two-Bit hardly takes life seriously, he goes to school for fun and likes getting with blonde's. Two-Bit carries a switch blade and shop lifts and has Grey eyes. I chose Johnny Knoxville Because he is a funny actor and one of my favorites, he is a perfect match for Two-Bit Matthews

Darrel Curtis

Darrel has been taking care of the family ever since Mr. and Mrs. Curtis died in a car wreck. A judge allows the brothers to stay together under Darry's supervision as long as they stay out of trouble. Rather than go to college on a football scholarship, Darry has to go to work in order to keep the three together and Pony boy in school. He has had to give up a lot and has become an adult too fast.

Pony-Boy Curtis

Pony-Boy is one of “The Greasers” he has redish-brown hair and his eye’s are a greenish-grey. Pony-Boy does not like to get in fights and tries to stay out of trouble. Pony-Boy is the youngest of the 3 brother’s. Pony-Boy likes to read and watch movies by himself. Pony-Boy doesn't use his head, meaning he doesn’t think. I chose Rupert Grint because he is a good actor and he looks like Pony-Boy in “The Outsiders”